Quora is being considered for all kinds of interesting topics to explore not only in technology space, but also for any other range of subjects. The users of the platform pose questions on boards and then receive answers from random users registered on the site. The answers may be based on anything from personal to professional experience, or just reflect the author’s personal opinion in a humorous format. The platform does not punish anyone for wrong answers, but it does favor those who take the process seriously.

This is where Quora promotion truly shines as a potential instrument for the advancement of crypto projects and anything else that needs to attract attention to its product or service offering. Quora crypto promotion has become part of blockchain advertising strategies and should be leveraged as a powerful instrument that should be utilized to provide a high level of exposure.

What is Quora Promotion?

Promotion through Quora basically revolves around providing high quality answers to the questions posed by users. The expertise of the one answering should be high enough, as the platform employs a voting system with users reading answers and either upvoting or downvoting them. The better the answer – the higher it gets upvoted and, eventually, the better it gets noticed. As such, the one who provides the best answer will get the highest exposure.

This is speaking from a promotion standpoint. There are also users who read many of the answers provided to a question in the thread, that is why those who do not get upvoted to the top still have a chance of getting noticed. The native inclusion of links and mentions of projects in answers is standard practice, but it should not look like outright advertising, otherwise, the answer is unlikely to be considered for upvoting.

Fortunately for the crypto industry and the blockchain market as a whole, Quora has some favorable terms that allow promotion.

How Can You Promote Crypto on Quora?

Apart from promotion via providing answers , the Quora platform allows the promotion and advertising of blockchain-based services and products, though with some restrictions. Among the services that Quora allows to advertise are the following:

  • Wallets for holding crypto assets.
  • Exchange platforms.
  • ICOs that explicitly state all of the risks involved.
  • Financial services for managing crypto assets.
  • Educational materials for teaching about blockchain and cryptocurrencies.
The platform demands all willing to request permission for all kinds of promotion related to mining, trading bots of investment products focused on retirement, or token offerings outside of official ICOs.

The list of forbidden services that cannot be promoted on Quora include passive income services, leveraged options trading, or binary options trading.

With that in mind, it is possible to directly advertise crypto projects on Quora while bearing in mind that such promotion is unlikely to attract votes for best answer. However, it can provide the level of exposure necessary, if a project is not seeking to get their answers upvoted in the first place.

What We Can Offer?

When dealing with such a specific platform like Quora, which can be considered a niche for marketing and advertising strategies, crypto projects have to turn to the services of professionals. Pixelbug.net is a dedicated crypto advertising agency that offers a host of promotional services including over 30 specialized options for crypto projects, each tailored to suit a specific social media or communications channel, like Quora.

Pixelbug.net has the reputation of a reliable advertising partner, as witnessed by its plethora of use cases and testimonials. With its client-oriented approach and meticulous strategy planning stage, the agency is devoted to offering top-notch services to all of its clients.


Quora is a platform that offers not only promotion opportunities, but also the possibility of showcasing knowledge. However, projects that seek to leverage the advertising power of the platform need to turn to specialists, like those from Pixelbug.net, to fully utilize Quora’s promotional possibilities.